Monday, August 23, 2010

Faces of Bali

Here is a small collection of the faces of everyday life in the rural areas of Bali.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Kintamani volcano and Lake Batur - Bali

A pleasant winding 3 hour drive took us from Ubud to Lake Batur in the shadow of the Kintamani volcano.

We stayed in a tiny little guest house on the shores of Lake Batur, wandered around checking out the lifestyle of the lake dwellers, then ate freshly caught fish for dinner.

Pano of lake and crater
Old man in hand made dug out
Young girls with traditional canoe

Friday, August 20, 2010

Dreamland Beach - Bali

Check out this break on Dreamland Beach, Bali.
Dreamland is on the Bukit peninsula, 30 mins from Kuta.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Ubud - Rice Terrace Bali

We needed to escape the Sydney winter so headed for Bali, where a few days in Ubud is a must. Most of the tourists go to the same little section to view the same rice terrace, but not this intrepid photog. I pointed my motor scooter thru a maze of rice terraces and ended up here.

Padang Padang Beach Bali

Padang Padang was an ideal beach for us, as were were in Bali with an 8 month old baby. Padang has a lovely area of deep shade where you can escape the intense sun. Lots of helpful Balinese will sort you out with a Rattan mat and bring you what ever you need in the way of food and drinks. Two thumbs up!

Kuta Sunset

We checked into our resort in Legian Resort, stached our bags and headed to the beach for a sunset walk. A Bali sunset at it's best?